Pre-join AIA for free!

Fill out the form below and you’ll automatically receive a free AIA membership for up to 18 months*. Hurry, your free membership starts on your graduation date! Eligibility guidelines >

    Thank you!
      Personal information
      The information gathered by AIA is used solely for the purpose of fulfilling AIA’s mandate to you. Personal information you provide to the AIA will be used for internal reporting purposes only to ensure we accurately reflect our membership demographics. Any personal information that you provide shall not, without your consent, be disclosed to third parties, except as permitted or required by law.

      Contact information

      AIA is a three-tiered organization requiring membership at the local, state, and national levels. Chapter affiliation is assigned using the home or office zip code provided below.


      U.S. residents: Select a local chapter below or find your chapter based on your zipcode.

      View list of local and international chapters.

      International residents: Select your chapter from the list below.

      View list of local and international chapters.

      By submitting the pre-join application, you agree to abide by the AIA Bylaws, the AIA Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, and the Terms & Conditions for membership. Review the Code of Ethics and the Terms & Conditions.
      Thank you!

      Terms & conditions

      18 months of free membership is based on graduating in spring and receiving the rest of your graduation year AND the following year for free. This promotional offer is a one-time offer for first-time members only and applies to dues for the national chapter. Some local and state chapters charge a nominal membership fee. We’ll notify you if your chapters assess a fee. For questions regarding your local chapter, call (800) 242 3837, option 2.


      You’re eligible for free membership if you’re graduating in the next two years and meet one of the following criteria:

      • You will graduate with a NAAB-accredited bachelor’s, master’s, or doctorate degree in architecture in 2025 or 2026.
      • You will graduate with a non-NAAB accredited bachelor’s, master’s, or doctorate degree in architecture in 2025 or 2026 and currently work under the supervision of an architect in a professional or technical capacity directly related to the practice of architecture.
      • You currently work under the supervision of an architect in a professional or technical capacity directly related to the practice of architecture and is currently enrolled or participating in circumstances recognized by licensing authorities as constituting credit toward architecture licensure.

      If you have already graduated with a professional degree in architecture, join AIA here.

      How we use your personal information

      The personal information you provide will be used for internal reporting purposes only to ensure we accurately reflect our membership demographics. Any personal information you provide shall not, without your consent, be disclosed to third parties, except as permitted or required by law.